if that's allowed, unless you're deadset on just the current ones being all that exist
[4:04:43 PM]
??: Kia345 (Tue Aug 16 15:43:44 2016):
Mass message:
sky, tell thor we need an event prize that just makes a butterfly or bee float around the player, they're cute
[4:04:45 PM]
??: someone make this canon
[4:05:03 PM] xiaoguard: i can do that
[4:05:14 PM] xiaoguard: i'll gfx it if thor will gani it
[4:05:22 PM]
??: there's already a fluttering butterfly
[4:05:28 PM]
??: it shows up occasionally when you slash bushes
[4:05:51 PM] Elliott: that's actually a great gc prize, but only if other players can see it
[4:06:02 PM]
??: yeah that's what I mean
[4:06:02 PM] Elliott: current code is that only the players see it
[4:06:06 PM]
??: I think it's too cute to not be a thing
[4:06:12 PM] Elliott: you're so right
[4:06:25 PM] Elliott: post that up in classicgraal.net, it'd get more attention there
[4:08:38 PM] xiaoguard: ^^^
[4:08:39 PM] xiaoguard: do it
[4:08:53 PM] Elliott: no seriously, do it
also because the current aura's particle animation is ugly