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Messages - Kevin

Pages: [1]
Guilds / Re: Guild System
« on: September 15, 2012, 10:47:16 AM »
there were some significant changes there like the event tracking specifically

Guilds / Design Document v2
« on: September 15, 2012, 01:46:57 AM »
After looking through suggestions here and through PM I've modified the design to some of the structures a deal in a way I think most people will agree on

I'll try to convert my awfully handwritten design document into readable English here.

Guild System - use two SQL tables, one containing guild name, founding time, statistics, other one containing GuildMembers, IE account, guild, rights flag.

Stat tracking:

PKing, sparring, team events (full team must be guild), solo events, on tag time

in the case of events, only wins/losses will be tracked since stats like flags scored and returned are a bit excessive and don't give much explanation for the guild as a whole

on tag time will be extrapolated into an "activity rating" along with actual event participation, sparring, PKing etc (these are not the overall "points" concept, just a overall value rating with which to compare guilds as a whole rather than specific stat)

Guild management

Add, Kick, Edit members > local only
Edit diplomacy and information > available to global guilds
disband, view log > local administrative tools

-need to request Stefan make guild IDs as used on GraalOnline website accessible to lister so that creating URLs leading to global guild applications is easily doable

First few steps:

Track on tag time
Add PKing/sparring listening to track stats
Allow GCs to award guild wins for team events, have it automatically occur for solo wins

Guilds / Re: Guild System
« on: September 12, 2012, 07:43:22 PM »
oh lordie lord

Guilds / Re: Guild System
« on: September 12, 2012, 04:56:11 PM »
To meet halfway would having a requirement that X players consider their guild a prestige guild seem reasonable to you to have a guild house? That way there aren't a billion similar guildhouses seeing no activity, but then guilds can obtain a guild house so long as their guild is reasonably serious.

Then additional perks could fall in the realm of some minor guild house upgrades along with other content on the server, like one of the warp jewel statues in their guild house.

Guilds / Re: Guild System
« on: September 12, 2012, 04:45:18 PM »
I like the ideas put forward, but what would be the Requirements to create a local guild?

The only one I'm aware of at the moment is Gold Subscription, though I'm not sure if Thor will go back to the PWA/Stefan to try to have that changed.

Beyond that I guess it could be 5-10 members signing a charter to create it.

Guilds / Re: Guild System
« on: September 12, 2012, 04:40:34 PM »
I have no problem with local guilds, as long as global guilds and their members can be imported.

I do however strongly oppose tying guildhouses to points obtained in competitive circumstances.
I think guildhouses should be treated more or less the same as playerhouses.

Also, do remember that some guilds might not want to be competitive.
More-social guilds have a right to exist, and they shouldn't be discriminated against.

I think it'd be reasonable to make some sort of system in which social guilds remain rewarded rather than competitive methods being the only way to earn points. Maybe some sort of tag time -> point conversion?

Guilds / Re: Guild System
« on: September 12, 2012, 04:14:30 PM »
I agree with global guild stuff, except for "import global guild data." I don't think that global guilds should be local if a majority of players in that guild do not play the server or if the guild is largely inactive. Imagine if unixmad logged on, made VIP a local guild, and asked for the global guild data to be imported. I also think that guilds should have a limited amount of members.

The import the way I see it happening would happen on a per player basis once they try to put on a global tag that has been registered by their leader on Classic. A global guild would probably also not have the names/accounts/tags stored locally nor access to the local rights system since that sort of behavior is best left to the online panel for a global guild. The only interaction from global guild would be tracking their statistics in PKing/Sparring/Events.

I like the idea of prestige or points. One idea I have for using prestige is to purchase member slots; increasing the maximum amount of members. Also, having enough prestige could allow the guild to create or purchase a guild house.

I don't know if the points would be spent as a currency but this is probably a solid idea to insure that a guild is relevant before they can upload a guild house in the middle of the (very limited) GMAP. This sort of specific falls out of my domain but I think making sure a guild reaches a certain prestige point is probably as good a litmus as any for when they can have their guild house.

I don't like the idea of multi-guilding with local guilds. If you guys absolutely insist upon it, it may be a good idea to limit the amount of guilds a player can join.

My hope is that by forcing players to commit to a guild to earn their prestige points for, and making the commitment to begin earning them points a serious one like reaching 50-100 player kills, participating in 20 events or 40 spars (these are all made up numbers subject to revision) players will build a strong loyalty to a certain guild, while not disqualifying people from messing around during a Sunday football game with an "Aaron Rodgers Fan Club" tag.

I do not see how event wins fit in with guilds. Guild tags are removed from single player events and tags are generic in team events.

The idea here is whatever prestige guild a player has selected will get 1 win per player win, so stats might see a minor bit of inflation since it wouldn't directly be guild vs guild. This can also be excluded entirely and lead to actual guild specific events in the future, like guild CTF tournaments, spar tournaments, etc. The idea with the stat tracking is to remain highly flexible so that data can remain highly readable and comparable, down to how many CTF Sumo's one guild may have won/lost compared to another.

Also, since this wasn't addressed; there is an alliance system already working. Staff guilds currently use it. What is the plan for alliances?

Right now I have a "Diplomacy" system penciled into the guilds SQL table where guilds will be stored and this is actually a great area to get in depth in before I finalize any data structures. Graal the Adventure's HD has an ally system (believe it or not default does as well now) that I think can reasonably be taken advantage of. Another thing I think would be really awesome is having allied actions contribute to allied guilds in some cases at a reduced rate, while possibly also adding multipliers for taking actions against hostile guilds (E.G: X player in US kills Y player in Ventrue on the overworld - they are given 1.5 of the points they would normally receive for that sort of action).

Guilds / Guild System
« on: September 11, 2012, 05:13:19 PM »
Classic is looking to adopt a guild system that will fill a unique purpose with many extra features available generally not found within the global guild structure. Right now in the planning phase we are looking to collect critiques and suggestions to make sure the guild system is comprehensive and delivers features players would like to see most. I'll try to summarize key points of the current ideas below.

  • Allow Global Guilds on Classic

    Guild leaders or another rank to be determined will be able to manage a local version of their guild on Classic. To insure guild names aren't stolen or managed by the wrong person, either the leader or a very high rank will need to be the one filling the local leader slot. It will be possible to import global guild data such as members and nicknames fairly often or on demand, so either management tool would be acceptable to use.
  • Guild Prestige

    This would work as a form of ranking guilds against one other based on participation in sparring, events, and player killing. A player would only be allowed to select one prestige guild at a time, and upon selecting one of their guilds to be their prestige guild, would have to meet a requirement to actually earn points for that guild. This requirement is not set in stone, but participating in 20 events/spars/PKing for a bit all seem likely candidates. Once a player has made an initial commitment to that guild, they will then be able to earn points for their guild. These points will be used to rank guilds in addition to other forms of stat tracking for each guild. Eventually a perks system could be implemented that rewards players with benefits for earning certain levels of prestige.
  • Multiguilding

    Under this system, multiguilding will still be a viable option for players who want to join flavor and family type guilds while still having their contributions apply to another guild. However, it is likely that players would need to stay on their prestige tag to earn points for their guild with the exception of events.
  • Stat Tracking

    Statistics such as event wins, sparring totals, player killing (kills/deaths) can also easily be tracked so that guilds can compare themselves in things as specific as CTF, or in general like just events. The more statistics that are available for players to compare, the better, and hopefully some graphing can be implemented to make visual comparisons easier within the client for the data that is available.

These are a few ideas currently kicking around that can be expanded upon greatly based on player feedback, along with new ideas entirely that may not have been thought of. Have at it!

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