Graal Classic > Events

Lax GCs

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It's not always easy to determine whether someone is lagging intentionally or by coincidence, and sometimes you'll have a GC who may not have been witness to the last time a players lag has caused problems, and so naturally may be too patient about it.
It is something players have been kicked for or at minimum asked to reconnect when it's clear there is a problem.

As for the issue of sabotaging, there is a method in which players can be banned from joining events, and it's something one or two individuals have been warned about and shall receive if it's clear they are continuing.

If they are lagging they shouldn't be playing.

Hey now, some of us can't help it...

Ya screw that Skyzer, don't be a nazi. I can't help the lag, it just happens.

Tonight was another one of these nights. Trip knows what I'm talking about. Had an Enguard vs. the world match and literally every player on the opposing team other than one player had 400ms or more, at random. Archer, Red, a few others. The claim is that the "level lags them" when confronted about why they lag in no other events.

Some, it's just blatantly obvious. When someone like Archer or Pattarat (or whatever the hell his name is) modem taps, it's horrendously obvious. Archer actually tried modem tapping in a CTF game last night and he MISSED the flag, was hilarious. Entered the flag level, tapped, and when he untapped he was running back to his base without the flag. Smooth.

Either Classic had players who have awkward lag problems in 2012, or Classic has players who are willing to do damn near anything to win a CTF. Spoiling events is gonna drive players away though, can promise that much.


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