General Discussion > Hello and Goodbyes
Letter from the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.
Good bye, and Hello I am LegendsDark(Dark Flame)
You might all know me as Cloud Strife *Final Fantasy* (Dark Flame) or Admin on Graal2001/Friends with Gms on other early servers.
I hanged with TheGreat1TNT, Ssamutz, Stefan Knorr, and many more.
Any of my old friends on here? If I play with you in any way shape or form, trust me I remember you, you are a Legend.
Could someone please upload a picture of the Halls of Legend under water on Graal Classic? Thanks. My Hours are 13,666+
Looking to start playing Graal again and seeing who survived the test of time.
--- Quote from: LegendsDark on July 10, 2016, 02:31:19 PM ---Any of my old friends on here? If I play with you in any way shape or form, trust me I remember you, you are a Legend.
Looking to start playing Graal again and seeing who survived the test of time.
--- End quote ---
Outlook not so good :-\
--- Quote from: LegendsDark on July 10, 2016, 02:31:19 PM ---Could someone please upload a picture of the Halls of Legend under water on Graal Classic?
--- End quote ---
I don't recollect this level and can't find any underwater levels containing the word "halls" or "legend". Know any other way of identifying it? (assuming it ever existed)
It was to the left of map underwater, only the really good graal players ever visit it. You had to swim there and do a lot of quests and answer the most knowledge about graal to be in the halls of legend.
You play classic during this time? It removed now I believe or just hidden very good. You can find a screenshot somewhere. It will show brown tiles, statues, Me in middle, few on left, few on right.
Title made me think it was Antago.
I don't like being tested and you already know what I am going to say. Hi Antago!
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