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Messages - Thor

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Events / Events List & Ticket Awarding
« on: March 18, 2012, 04:24:18 PM »
All Event participants shall receive a minimum of 1 ticket. One possible exception would be according to the GC's jurisdiction, should a player join a single player event soon before it finishes. There may also be door prizes occurring after a normal single event, inwhich only the winner shall receive tickets.

Team Events

  • Team based events award at least 5 tickets per each player on the winning team.
  • Ticket awarding is handled automatically.
  • In the event of a tie, all players shall receive 2 tickets.
  • The target goals may be decreased should a game take up a long time.
  • Team sizes are 6 - 10 players unless stated otherwise.
  • For the events which use a PK Bonus, an extra ticket is awarded to the quarter of players (rounded) on each team that have the best kill/death ratio. For example 1 player on each team shall receive an extra ticket in a 4 vs 4 game.


Extra Tickets: PK Bonus

Capture the Flag

Extra Tickets: 1 per score

King of the Mountain

Extra Tickets: PK Bonus


Extra Tickets: PK Bonus

Team Snowball Fight

Extra Tickets: PK Bonus

Wizards and Warlocks

Extra Tickets: PK Bonus

Single Player

  • Single player events award 10 tickets to the winner unless specified.
  • Point awarding is handled manually by the GCs.
  • The GC may host varying forms of the event.
  • The GC may host one singular Door Prize after the normal event, inwhich 2 tickets will be awarded to the winner.
  • Unless specified, goal based events should have a goal which is lower with a higher number of participants.

Allstar (Spar, PK, Sumo)

Players: 4/8/16
Loser Tickets: An extra ticket per every round progressed.

Drunken Stupor

Players: 4 - 10
Goal: 20

Flag Bearer

Players: 5 - 20

Fort Builder LMS

Players: 5 - 20
Team version supported.

Freeze Tag

Players: 6 - 20
Team version supported.

Lasertag + Snowball Fight

Players: 5 - 15
Team version supported.

Musical Chairs

Players: 5 - 10

Skyline LMS

Players: 5 - 16
Lives: 10
Team version supported.

PK Fest

Players: 4 - 20

Pot Race

Players: 4 - 20

Sumo Island & Snowflake

Players: 5 - 15
Team version supported for Snowflake.

The Pit LMS

Players: 6 - 20
Lives: 10
Team version supported.

Tournament (Spar, Trading Card Game, Sumo, Lasertag, Snowball Fight, Connect Four)

Players: Between 4/8/16/32
Loser Tickets: An extra ticket per every round progressed.

Treasure Hunt

Players: 5 - 20
Winner Tickets: 5


Players: 6 - 20

Team Studio Events

  • Team based events award 5 tickets per each player on the winning team.
  • Ticket awarding is handled manually by the GC.
  • The GC may host varying forms of the event.
  • The GC may host one singular Door Prize after the normal event, inwhich 2 tickets will be awarded to the winner.


Cats and Dogs

Players: 6 - 20

Spar Streak Challenge
Players: 6 - 32

GCS Titles

GCS Singles Defence (after tournament)

Winner Tickets: 4

GCS Tag Team Tournament

Teams: 4/8/16
Winner Tickets: 6 for each partner.
Loser Tickets: 1 for each partner per round progressed.

GCS Tag Team Defence (after tournament)

Winner Tickets: 3 for each partner.

Events / GC Tickets
« on: February 28, 2012, 01:31:01 PM »

The most important difference between past and new GC Tickets, is that rather than simply awarding a single number to the event winner(s), a smaller number of tickets will be awarded to players who merely participate, with extra GCT available to those who perform well within an event.

The idea behind this different approach is that it will encourage competitiveness, act as an incentive for players to participate even if it isn't their preferred event, and discourage the act of leaving when losing.

Check here to see how this works specifically for different events:


As mentioned above, we want to discourage players from leaving a team event on the basis they are about to lose. Only those on the losing team who remain until the end of the event shall receive their complimentary ticket. In addition to this, any player who leaves with a seemingly inevitable loss impending can be made to automatically or manually receive a GCT deduction. Repeat offenders can possibly be made to receive a temporary events ban.


This idea will be scrapped in the event of our plan for micro-transactions being approved.

As a further measure to encourage participation, plus a weapon against the act of currency hoarding, for every week a player goes without obtaining a ticket their total shall be deducted by 5% (rounded).

As an example, lets say a player has earned 100 GCT. The player then stops participating in events (or doesn't log on Classic) for a total of 3 full weeks.
The first week would reduce their total to 95 tickets.
The second week would reduce their total to 90 tickets
The third week would reduce their total to 85 tickets.
After 10 weeks, their total would be 63 tickets.
After 15 weeks, their total would go from 51 to 48 tickets, half of their original total.

General Graal Discussion / Re: Will you continue to play graal in one year?
« on: September 23, 2009, 01:35:12 AM »
Always tell myself that I won't be around in a years time.

Classic Main Forum / Re: "Media" Attention
« on: August 28, 2009, 04:19:14 PM »
It would be good to have previews of content when/if made,
and perhaps link to them from the Login News.

Classic Main Forum / Re: Permaclothes
« on: August 19, 2009, 06:11:17 PM »
We're all in the same boat.

Hello and Goodbyes / Re: hi
« on: July 18, 2009, 07:41:25 AM »
Nice job so far Storm,
though i'd probably have posted here earlier if not for a login confirmation error,
i didn't realise i had successfully logged in.

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