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Guilds / Guild Prize Ideas
« on: August 30, 2016, 01:05:24 PM »
Due to the fact that a couple of the Guild Prizes are not applicable without Mod Fort being activated, I'm looking to implement some other new prizes for Guild Points to be spent on. Feel free to post ideas here.

Guilds / Rank Guild Point Awarding
« on: August 23, 2016, 04:56:56 PM »
For those who have not noticed there is a system in place where Guilds can unlock certain perks. These can all be seen here:

However the only way at current to obtain Guild Points is through Mod Fort, which is not utilized as it requires a larger number of players around the clock to work as intended. I am therefore contemplating to award Guild Points to those who top the various Rank lists each month who are attached to a Competitive guild.

Updates and Announcements / Voluran's Mausoleum Quest Released
« on: January 04, 2016, 03:45:34 PM »

A new dungeon can now be accessed in the East of Graal City (towards Master Li's Woods). It is not required to have completed any of the storyline beyond owning a sword in order to begin this quest, though for reasons that shall be learned one can not simply "walk" in to the Mausoleum.

With the release of this quest it is now possible to obtain a 5th heart. It may also be worth looking out for hidden Trading Cards or Gelat chests.

Updates and Announcements / Unlockable Trading Cards Released
« on: September 27, 2015, 02:43:38 PM »
As of writing 22 new Trading Cards have been scattered around the world ready to be collected.

For most of these cards a map icon can be purchased for 20 Gelat at the Trading Card House, provided a card is obtainable. Other cards are hidden within dungeons, while some cards require statistics such as Spar Wins.

It should be noted that cards obtained from secret locations are not tradable.

Updates and Announcements / Climber's Cave Quest Released.
« on: September 11, 2015, 03:42:50 PM »
Those who have progressed a short distance through Master Li's tasks can begin this by talking to the Climber beside the Graal City Cathedral. Having progressed further through the storyline there is also a 2nd method for unlocking entry.

The Climber's Cave is a remake of one of Graal's first quests, but has however been revamped and extended to include new levels, features and a boss fight. The is a side quest to the main storyline and is not required to be completed, and is accompanied by the introduction of an unlockable Trading Card. It is planned to implement more unlockable Trading Cards within and around quests within the near future.

Furthermore the server is now using an enhanced tileset, with various objects now appearing more high-def.

Updates and Announcements / Graal the Adventure: Facebook
« on: June 23, 2015, 04:38:43 PM »
For those who are not yet aware, approximately 4 months ago Classic/Graal the Adventure gained approval from both Carlito and Unixmad to eventually become launched on Facebook/Flash, -officially under the name of Graal the Adventure-, and this approval has since been re-iterated to me on multiple occasions.

First I would like to apologise for the delay in providing an explanation as to what exactly is going on. The reason for the delay is simply that I am still yet to receive development access to the flash app, and therefore can not guarantee 100% that this shall go ahead, as I can not be sure how much fixes will be necessary.

Last I heard there is a delay in upgrading the Facebook API to v2, which by pure coincidence of the result of my profession the PHP package for which is something I have recently become familiar with. Although I had taken about one hour to get the hang of it, I am not aware of the extent this requires re-working for Graal and I did find the documentation to be highly fragmented.

Moving forward, my previous thread concerning guild prizes may demonstrate that our current primary development focus is towards bolstering the server's options for in-game transactions. I am however keen to bring some life back to the server throughout its ongoing downtime, and therefore propose the return of scheduled event hosting nights.

When carried out beforehand, our event hosting nights yielded between 12 - 30 players. Although is is fair to say the server no longer has the advantage of hype and freshness, GC Tickets can once again be rewarded in order to obtain prizes, and Graal is now without the dreaded observer mode :fro:. It may also be good to carry out some test runs of the new fort system where successful participants can receive Guild Points.

It would be great if interested players could state their interest.

Guilds / Guild Fort
« on: April 05, 2015, 02:50:06 PM »
I have created this thread in order to gather ideas for a Guild fort system, as well as outline the system I am currently leaning towards. This is ofcourse with a view to the server having an active community of players following a Facebook launch, so it does not have to seem viable at the current time.

The goals I have in mind for such a Guild Fort system are as follows:

  • Provide a form of competition which does not feel like a long grind
  • Cater to players from all of the main time zones
  • Allow successfulness to not hinge too strongly on a Guild's present number of members
  • Provide a fair method for Guilds to obtain a Guild Points currency
  • Not cause a time conflict with GC Events or special events such as a Monthly Spar tournament

With these goals in mind, this is the rough system I am currently leaning towards:

  • The fort would open at a set number of times throughout a set number of days. This could be once a day, twice a day, or four times a week, but the times would rotate to include typical times for Europe, US East Coast, US West Coast and Australia/Asia
  • The fort would remain open for a set number of minutes (for example 30), in which it would be up to guilds to try and accumulate as much "points" as possible
  • "Points" would be calculated from hits and kills within the vicinity of the fort
  • Once the set time has ended, Guild Points currency would be awarded to the Guild with the most fort "points", as well as a smaller number to runner ups
  • As this is a competitive environment, players would be restricted to 3 hearts, and also receive temporary Bow & Bomb weapons if they have not obtained them already
  • GC events would not be hosted while the fort is open

Updates and Announcements / Toxic Bread Warning & Graanch Outbreak
« on: December 02, 2012, 02:11:07 PM »

General Graal Discussion / The New Plan for Trial Restrictions
« on: October 17, 2012, 02:36:29 PM »
A couple of months ago I was told directly that owners of this game were considering replacing observer mode with a new form of restriction. In the time that's passed since it has become clear to me from an indirect source that it is now a definite plan, intended to be implemented with the full release of V6.

Without copying quotes exactly, the basic idea is to implement free roaming areas of servers where trials can wander around normally, with for example other areas of a map and possibly alternate insides closed off via the client itself.

The first problem that came to my mind was that this would be utterly inappropriate for Classic, as it would cut off questing progress on what is primarily supposed to be a questing server, developed with a philosophy aimed towards using quests to provide legitimately new players with purpose and direction. Observer mode is terrible for the fact it frustrates players and causes bugs within Quests, but at least it lets them experience it in some way.

As it turns out, this problem is no coincidence, it is infact part of the strategy to shut trials away from quest content, and almost from the very beginning of our quest line.
My other main concern with observer mode is that due to the bugs and disruption it causes, it is difficult and/or impossible to allow trials to participate within events. Once more however, the new restriction would be shutting players away from events, and entirely deliberately.

The 2 things which have been highlighted as possible for trials to do, are the ability to "test the game" and "chat with friends". I thought the whole idea of trial accounts was supposed to be to allow trials to experience the game in such a way where they may feel as if it's worth upgrading for the full experience?
The old restriction where trials were unable to have any of their in game progress saved was terrible, but at least it actually allowed trials to play the game's content, and was barely sufficient enough to show trials what they would be buying into.

Due to there being certain unknown factors, such as how severely the restriction would be implemented, whether the expensive price of a subscription would remain the same or be lowered, or whether permanent subscriptions would be re-introduced, it's impossible to judge it against the current and previous main restriction with any certainty. The mere thought of this new restriction however suggests to me that the owners of this game have not learned a single thing from their previous failures on PC Graal, and their successes on iPhone.

Throughout the entire time Graal has been P2P, there has always been a maniacal main form of trial restriction which essentially treats trial accounts like prisoners of war.
Are the owners of Graal ever going to understand that it is perfectly acceptable to allow trials to enjoy their experiences actually playing the game?

The other issue which has been made even clearer, is the fact the owners are entirely unwilling to allow developers to have any say over the methods. Instead they want to continue using restrictions that are built-in and beyond the control of developers. We've just spent 3 years redeveloping a server from scratch, with fully custom systems, tonnes of scripted security for anything related to an economy, but what the hell would we know about what is the best way to market it?

I am aware that with recent events I am making this thread at the risk of a ban, but quite frankly I do not care. I have learned through conversations with staff on other PlayerWorlds that they are not aware of these plans, which they really ought to have a say in, and so I wish to make this information publicly known.

Updates and Announcements / PK & Spar Ranks Reintroduced
« on: October 07, 2012, 08:07:16 PM »
A new system for the Monthly PK & Spar Ranks Classic had pre-wipe has been implemented.

  • Points are determined by a combination of frequency and kill/death or win/loss ratio. This means that fighting well would give someone a chance of winning over someone who simply fights a lot but not too well.
  • Kills/wins count the same regardless of the opponent. On pre-wipe's system it was easy for 2 people to fight eachother constantly to amass exponential points. PK's within events are not included, the rank is for pure PKing. Ranks are not handled after 5 repeated kills against the same player without a death.
  • A list of the current top 20 ranked players can be accessed within the options menu. The ranks are updated hourly.
  • A player's points and current ranks are displayed within the statistics menu.
  • The winners of each rank receive a statue within SuperNick's, a belt weapon, and a special guild tag (which sets when firing the belt weapon twice).

It would also be possible to add a rank for Event & Card Game Wins in future.

Bugs and Suggestions / Spar + PK Ranks
« on: October 03, 2012, 06:42:36 PM »
With activity somewhat low, and there currently being an uncertainty over the development of a local guilds system, I believe it may be worth re-visiting the spar + pk ranks similar to how we had pre-wipe. Something like this is not too complex and so wouldn't take a long time to implement.

The old system worked by simply adding points to a player each time they killed another player or won a spar. More points were obtained against those with a high number of points, and with PKing more points were obtained when there was a higher number of players in the level.
The 2 players with the highest points total received a statue for the next month.

What I believe were the main problems with the old system however, were that it didn't take into account deaths/defeats, and it was too easy to obtain a lot of points by fighting the same person over and over again.
Therefore I propose a new system where deaths/defeats deduct a fraction of the points obtained by kills/wins, and points are the same regardless of the victim.
I also believe it would be better to ignore kills within events, to keep the PK rank more about pure PKing. The fact that a higher playercount earned more points also seems to have been flawed as it didn't require nearby players to actually be PKing.

Previously the winner statues were within the Castle, it would make sense to now have them within SuperNick's.

Thoughts and suggestions?

Updates and Announcements / Card Collecting Released
« on: September 27, 2012, 03:19:11 PM »

In March 2011 the Trading Card Game by itself was released. Now that the server is live, the whole Card Collecting aspect has been implemented.

There are many small details and changes compared to the past version, so at the top of my head:

  • All players receive the same starter deck. This deck has been carefully selected to ensure as much balance as possible among the different directions.
  • There is the option to play both a Fair and Custom deck battle.
  • Fair Deck battles are limited to 10 wins against the same opponent per 24 hours. Custom Deck battles are limited to 3 wins against the same opponent per 24 hours.
  • No stats are exchanged after beating the same opponent more than 3 times in a row, unless 6 hours have passed.
  • Booster Packs contain 5 cards, and are guaranteed to award cards of certain levels.
  • Every different card obtainable by booster packs are "printed" a specific number of times, and then deducted from until no cards of the same level are left, where the process repeats. This ensures rarity.
  • Card Trading is GUI based.
  • Only cards of the same level can be traded.
  • Wins and losses of both game modes can be seen within the Statistics menu.

Booster packs are sold at the same Card House just north of the Orphanage/Unstick Me where the Card Game is obtained.

This is how the card levels are arranged for each level booster pack:

Level 1 = 2,1,1,0,0
Total level = 4

Level 2 = 3,2,1,1,0
Total level = 7

Level 3 = 3,3,2,1,1
Total level = 10

Level 4 = 4,3,2,2,2
Total level = 13

Updates and Announcements / Singles Spar Title Tournament
« on: September 16, 2012, 10:25:22 AM »
The first tournament for the new GC Singles Spar title is scheduled to be hosted on Sunday 23rd September, at approximately 10 PM GMT / 5 PM EST.

For information on how the spar titles work, visit -

Bugs and Suggestions / Enabling Graal Sounds on 64 Bit
« on: September 03, 2012, 03:16:34 PM »
For some unexplained and unacknowledged reason, Graal sound is disabled by default for those on 64 bit OS's.

Fortunately it can be enabled manually. To do this, browse to your Graal folder (if you're not sure where it is, right click your Graal shortcut and click properties, it will be shown here) and open game_config.txt. Locate the line 'tryloadsoundson64bit=false', and change it to 'tryloadsoundson64bit=true'. Save the text file, and then sound should work the next time the client is opened.

The strange thing is I have never seen this fail to work out of several dozen players. Yet for some reason Stefan has ignored the issue on multiple occasions.

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